Electric Picnic

We put on a special preview of the show at Electric Picnic this year. If you weren't there, remember you can still get tickets to the full show as part of Absolut Fringe. But in the meantime, here are a few photos of our time at the Picnic...


Singlehood in 'Totally Dublin'

Check out Una's interview with Roisin Agnew Page 35 of this month's Totally Dublin chatting about Singlehood

Our promo!

Here's our promo featuring some (but not all!) of our cast. Share it around :)

First Encounters with Una & David

In conversation with FRANCES O'ROURKE, The Irish Times


is an award-winning theatre-maker whose new show, Singlehood, will run at the Project Upstairs from September 17th-27th. She and David Coffey grew up in Killiney, Co Dublin

‘I WAS A FAN OF DAN & BECS and, after my last show Victor and Gord, I realised David and I shared a certain sensibility, taking stories from the same place. We started seeing each other – platonically, I’m gay – and realised we were soulmates: love the same films, TV shows, and if I don’t, he’ll get why.

We hit our Fund-It Target!

We hit our target of 4000 euro on Fund-It - A DAY EARLY! We cannout thank our funders enough. Your generosity has completely blown us away! Friends, family, colleagues, supporters, strangers, THANK YOU THANK YOU!