Our promo!

Here's our promo featuring some (but not all!) of our cast. Share it around :)

First Encounters with Una & David

In conversation with FRANCES O'ROURKE, The Irish Times


is an award-winning theatre-maker whose new show, Singlehood, will run at the Project Upstairs from September 17th-27th. She and David Coffey grew up in Killiney, Co Dublin

‘I WAS A FAN OF DAN & BECS and, after my last show Victor and Gord, I realised David and I shared a certain sensibility, taking stories from the same place. We started seeing each other – platonically, I’m gay – and realised we were soulmates: love the same films, TV shows, and if I don’t, he’ll get why.

We hit our Fund-It Target!

We hit our target of 4000 euro on Fund-It - A DAY EARLY! We cannout thank our funders enough. Your generosity has completely blown us away! Friends, family, colleagues, supporters, strangers, THANK YOU THANK YOU!