17 - 27 FEB 2010The ever evolving and expanding world of
VICTOR AND GORD is spinning back around this way.
Project Arts Centre has taken us on and given us a challenge. Reworked, revamped and recharged, Victor, Gord and Jay are letting us in again and this time it’s longer and stronger.
How has it evolved? How is it different? How is it the same? Well we’ll let you in on all the developments, plans, disasters, jokes and hopes. We know where the show has been, we have an idea where it’s going and there are some big unknowns, big challenges and big friendships to tackle.
For starters, you might like to know, the team here at victorandgord has expanded. Originally conceived by
Una McKevitt and the cast - they are now joined by a host of different characters behind the scenes. We have
Ciaran O’Melia joining us to design a beautiful space for stories,
Fiona Keller to Stage Manage, organise, nag, pester and be the Holy Bringer of Tea, we have the talented and inimitable
Mr. Alan Early working on some audio visuals for the show (more on this later!) and we have Producer
Lara Hickey (me!) to put out all the fires. And last but certainly not least, as Una is now an
Assoicate Artist at
Project Arts Centre - we have the endless support of Willie, Niamh, JC, Melanie, Aisling, Annette, Kate, Carmel, Siobhan, other Kate and all the staff there.
So it’s all new to me and all very exciting...stick with us to see how it all goes down. Now one week into rehearsals already (eek!) we are fast approaching the new
Victor and Gord and the new world of REAL LIVES TOLD BY THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE THEM.
And as Virginia Woolf said...
“Some people go to priests; others to poetry; I to my friends.”Lara