Introducing Jay Breen

Hey Everyone,

I'd like to introduce you to Jay Breen, our latest recruit!

Jay will be joining Fergus Kealy, another new recruit, in the show. Their only relationship to each other is that they haven't yet met...we hope to "exploit" this new relaionship in Victor and Gord CUBED where they will join Victor and Gord, friends since birth and Ali and Michael, a brother and sister.

I interviewed Jay at the weekend and include a quote from his interview here. Jay is discussing his response to "Victor and Gord, Ali and Michael" which he saw at the Queer Notions Festival, where it appeared June 24th and 25th. Jason saw the performance on the 25th.

IN the interview I asked Jason what he made of the show he saw:

"I was surprised at how emotional it was, raw emotion. If someone got upset it was real. That was something I could relate to straight away. I could really relate to that, the sad bits. It was funny. It was really like what life is. Funny, tragic and it could change just like that. And it did. And life is like that. I found it very realistic."

I asked Jason why he was interested in joining the show:

"I enjoyed what i saw for starters and I related to it and it seems like an interesting thing to do. Maybe people will enjoy what I have to say and it'll have an effect on somebody the way it did on me."

Welcome to Victor and Gord CUBED Jay!!

Una McKevitt

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